At the cutting edge
of Craniosacral practice
Now celebrating our
36TH anniversary year!


UK non-profit limited company no. 4444311

Perception and the Neuroendocrine Immune Continuum

Further Courses and Continuing Professional Development


* 15TH-17TH MARCH 2024 *


A three-day deep dive when we will look into how our perception, the immune, endocrine and nervous systems form a continuum.
We will explore the neuro-endocrine-immune connection, looking at coherence and regulation in relationship to these functions. Immunosensitivity, inflammation and hormonal dysregulation form the basis of many health issues these days, and we look in detail at how we can bring these dynamics into coherence and regulation. We look at the development of each system and how they interface and co-regulate within the body, and with the relational fields within the community and society.
We will explore the following topics:
  • perception, interoception and both conscious and unconscious processes that make up our understanding of ‘self’ in response to our environment
  • the importance of inflammation in disease and how to tackle it
  • autoimmunity and the way the body perceives ‘normal’
  • the rhythm and coherence of the endocrine system and how to restore it
  • the importance of dopamine and serotonin pathways and their importance in behaviour
  • the pineal connection
  • vaccinations from a variety of viewpoints
  • the above systems and how they can be perceived as fields of coherence
  • clinical applications and how to restore the perception of Health from a biodynamic and embryo-dynamic viewpoint
  • the effect of trauma and emotions on the neuroendocrine-immune-perceptual continuum
  • fields of influence of the above systems; from focal to the relationship with greater societal and cultural and global spheres and their direct influence on this continuum.
This seminar can be taken in-person in London or online, with plenty of time sensory explorations, practical table sessions and meditations. Video recordings will be available for review.
Ian Wright, BSc.(OST)

Course tutor:

Ian Wright qualified from the British School of Osteopathy in 1992, and has taught Cranial and Paediatric Osteopathy for over 25 years internationally, including Russia, Sweden, Germany, Italy, UK and Ireland. He founded the Irish Diploma in Paediatric Osteopathy, teaching paediatrics to osteopaths and treating complex cases in a charity clinic setting. He is a teacher and Fellow of the Sutherland Cranial College (UK), and teaches with the International Paediatric Pathway in Italy. He practices in Florence, London and Ireland. Ian’s book ‘Dynamics of Stillness’ was released in October 2019.

Venue and times:

Skylight Centre, 49 Corsica Street, London N5 1JT. Nearest station: Highbury and Islington (Victoria Line and Mainline). Or, you can attend online.
Times are from 10.00am to 6.00pm on the first two days, and from 9.30am to 5.00pm on the last day.


£345 if the fee is received by 1st February 2024, or £365 if the fee is received after this date. All fees are non-refundable unless the seminar has to be postponed or cancelled. Please make cheques payable to CTET, or contact our administrator for bank details to make a transfer.

For further details and bookings please contact us as below.

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Warm Wishes
Michael Kern